Wednesday, June 13, 2007

back and around and back and around again

The ever lovely Di Di let me know today that she still checks my blog almost daily. SHOCK! So I thought that I ought to actually start putting stuff up here again.

I noticed that I haven't posted since January 24th and oh my holy sheets and giggles so much has happened since then.
-went to Brighton and Dublin
-turned 30
-got hired, paid, and acted in a video piece for Google. I have no idea where that piece ended up, maybe nowhere, but I got paid for it and it added to that feeling of being a professional actor.
-and there was much more in the continuing ups and downs of life.

Some new things that I've decided that went on the "life list" which is a list of things I want to do.

-I've decided to actually start doing Capoeira. I had decided a couple of years ago that I wanted to do this because it was physical, a form of martial arts, and incorporated dance (something I felt I needed some help in at the time). I plan to start going either tomorrow or the following week. There's several clubs in the city and many introductory and beginner offerings.
-more exercise in order to get myself in better shape in general, prepare for the physicality of a martial art, being more physically able for my acting and performing.
-write that FUCKING MOVIE. I have such a tough time taking on long projects that I can't see the end of. Because of that I have never finished a full length script. I want to do that, I want to figure out HOW to do that. This year must be the year. I also want to keep reminding myself that nothing ever EVER says you have to be conventional, to make a narrative, to make a story about a crime or something. MAKE WHATEVER STORY YOU LIKE. IT'S YOURS.
-I'm also working on some internal stuff based on how I was feeling a few weeks ago, which was bummed with just a touch of hopeful. The following books and ideas are currently part of it: Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns (started it a few years ago and it really helped, want to pick it up again), No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover.

and finally, one of my latest bits of inspiration would have to be Russian posters. This gallery of russian posters on flickr popped up on digg. I went to check it out and it is amazing. Some of the coolest graphic design I have seen. I'm using them as inspiration for some of my DVD projects. Yes YOU dear ROL people and SFDS parents get the added bonus of my attempts at graphic design for your DVD projects. You can see those posters here.

Hey, love ya.


Blogger diane said...

Oh joyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Words words words from Lancelet!

I've missed them so.



11:21 PM  

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