Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Does anyone else get excitment, awe, uknown fear chills when reading this?

Imagining the future, the outcomes of this is like trying to imagine, to me, the size and age of the universe. As impossible a task for the human brain is the notion of really understanding how old and big and far back things go in the universe, so is the notion of trying to understand how far things can and could go in the future. Just reading this article about AI and the Singularity sparks my brain and I'm sure yours into spirals and spirals of possibilities. Machines that make better versions of themselves in faster and more complex ways than we can imagine. The article itself is short but gives you an amazing taste of what we may be dealing with in our lifetimes.

It also made me think that even if things spiral in a way that ends humanity, time continues on without us. We're a blip. If Artificial Intelligence took over and organic life as we define ourselves ended, would that artificial life be any less "natural" as it was the outcome life of evolving anyway?


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